Play Snake Online - Free Classic Snake Game

Play snake online
Play Snake Game:

This Classic Snake game is the old-school way to play snake online. This game trains concentration and visual perception.

This game is part of the free online brain games collection.

To begin, click the Small, Medium, or Large button under the picture of the game. This opens the game in a pop-up window.

If you like this game, try the other concentration games on this site, such as Microsoft Bubble.

How to Play Snake Online

The goal of Snake is to eat a many food pellets as possible. But don't hit the walls, and don't hit your own tail!

If Classic Snake is too primitive for you, check out this free snake game. It's more colorful, plus it has gold coins, mystery powerups, and strange weather.

HOW TO PLAY. Move your snake around the screen using the Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys. Do not run into the walls or the snake's own tail or the game is over.

Food pellets will appear one at a time around the screen. Guide your snake over the food pellet to eat it.

A new food pellet then appears elsewhere on the screen. Keep eating food pellets for as long as you can.

Your snake is short in length when the game starts. It is three segments long at the beginning, so it's fairly easy to move around the screen.

The snake grows one segment longer each time a pellet is eaten. So the more pellets you eat, the longer your snake becomes.

Once your snake is 10, 20, or more segments in length, you'll really have to pay attention to avoid the walls and your tail.

The snake moves the same speed for the entire game, but at higher levels (Worm and Python) that speed is faster.

Classic Snake example

DIFFICULTY. This classic online snake game has three levels of difficulty - Slug, Worm, and Python. When the game window opens, click the difficulty level to start playing.

Because Slug is the easiest level, you might want to choose "Slug" if this is your first time to play Snake online. For a greater challenge move up to Worm or Python.

  • Slug. At the Slug level, your snake moves slowest.

  • Worm. The snake moves medium speed on the Worm level.

  • Python. The snake moves fastest on this level.

To play Snake online as a brain game, challenge yourself to get more pellets each time you play. For example, if you were able to collect 12 food pellets on your first attempt on the Slug level, then aim to get 15 or 20 pellets the next time.

See how high a score you can get!

If you really want to force your concentration into overdrive, play Snake at the Python level. The Python snake is so fast there isn't much room for error.

This online version of Snake is a remake of the classic snake game found on older Nokia phones. If you had one of those phones, playing this game might bring back memories.

Published: 03/20/2013
Last Updated: 06/11/2020

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