Free Online Checkers Game - Play Now

free online checkers game
Play Casual Checkers:

Feeling unfocused? This free online checkers game, Casual Chess, can sharpen your attention in no time!

To begin playing, click the Small, Medium, or Large link under the picture of the game. This opens the game in a pop-up window.

This free checkers game loads fast. In the Options menu, choose whether to play red or black. Set the difficulty to Easy, Normal, or Hard. Choose a board theme color, and toggle off/on the force captures rule.

Instructions - Free Online Checkers Game

Board games like checkers strengthen attention, concentration, and related brain skills. For more fun board games, check out the Free Board Games page.

For a list of all free online checkers games on this site, visit my Free Checkers Games page.

NOTE: The instructions below are for the old Adobe Flash version of the game.

You can choose Easy or Hard level of difficulty, and you can even select the angle of view, a flat overhead board or 3D checkers board.

HOW TO PLAY. This is a classic checkers game. To begin the online game, click the green START word on the main screen.

The checkers board then displays on the screen.

The goal of checkers is to remove all your opponents pieces from the board, or block your opponent's pieces so no moves are possible. Each side takes turns until one side wins.

You can play the computer by default, or against a friend (see the Game Menu options).

One side plays the Black chips, the other side the Red chips. Each side starts with 8 same-colored chips lined up in two rows on the dark squares along opposite sides of the checkers board.

In this online checkers game, Black goes first. You can choose whether to play Red or Black in the Game Menu options section.

As in standard checkers, in this checkers game you slide the chips diagonally forward on the dark squares. Remove your opponents chips by jumping over them.

JUMPS. To jump over an opponent's piece and remove the piece from the board, your piece needs to be next to the piece you want to jump. In addition, there cannot be a piece blocking the landing square.

This free online checkers game follows official checkers rules for jumping. This simply means that if a jump is available, you must take the jump. Multiple jumps are possible if your opponent's chips are so aligned.

The following options can be selected in the Game Menu (also called the Tweaks menu):

  • View. Change the angle of the checkers board to suit your preference. For 3D view, click the Perspective option. For flat overhead view of the board, click the Overhead option.

  • Mode. Select whether you want to play as Red or Black by clicking the appropriate option here. Select the 2 PLAYER option to play checkers against a friend. In 2 Player mode, you take turns on the same computer.

  • Difficulty. Choose whether to play Easy or Hard. This selects the skill level of your computer opponent.

FORWARD PROGRESS & KINGING. The single chips are known as pawns. The pawn can only proceed in a forward direction toward your opponent's side of the board.

If your pawn reaches the far edge of the board (your opponent's back row), your pawn becomes a King. Unlike pawns, Kings may be moved forward or backward around the board. A basic strategy of checkers is to try and get as many Kings as possible since they are so powerful.

In official checkers rules, once you touch a piece you must move it. This free online checkers game does not follow the official rules in this regard. If you click a piece then change your mind, simply click a different piece you want to move.

CHECKERS GAME STATISTICS. A couple useful statistics display during this free online checkers game. In particular, the Score and numbers of Moves made is shown for both Red and Black.

The score is calculated automatically by adding the number of chips removed from the board. For example, if you have removed 4 of your opponents chips (by jumping them), your current score is 4.

Some people look down on checkers compared to more complex strategy board games like online chess. But a full chess game can take awhile, and not everyone enjoys chess or understands how to play it.

The game of checkers, on the other hand, can be learned quickly. There's not much of a learning curve for this game.

So whenever you're in the mood for a quick brain boost, play the free online checkers game on this page. Besides training your concentration and strategic thinking skills, it's a fun challenge to try and beat the computer, or defeat a friend in 2 Player mode.

Published: 03/27/2014
Last Updated: 08/11/2024

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