Want to know how to solve Rubiks Cube? The detailed video below explains an effective method to use and how it works.
I had considered trying to explain it all on this page. However, it would have been long, boring, and hard to understand.
Instead, check out the following excellent video tutorial by WIRED magazine. They promise that if you follow the method they present (and practice a lot!), you will eventually be able to solve Rubik's Cube in under one minute.
After watching the following tutorial, you can then practice solving the rubik's cube online. But if you really want to learn it, go out and buy a real Rubik's Cube to practice on.
This video has 22,000,000 views at the time of this writing. It's a bit long at 24 minutes, but think about it: Afterward, there's a good chance you will be able to solve Rubik's Cube!
Some of comments on the video, to reassure you WIRED has provided a good lesson:
"My life is complete now. I finally solved what I thought was impossible. This video is one silver-lining throughout Covid. Thank you!"
"Just gonna say this is truly the most well out thought video explaining on how you solve the cube in only 20 mins and now i can show off a new skill to ppl"
"This is the first time I've ever solved a Rubik's cube in my life!! Thank you for allowing me to feel like a genius without really being one lol"
Published: 01/02/2011
Last Updated: 06/11/2020
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